If you are new to Sequel, you may be wondering how you can migrate all of your past webinars onto Sequel to create a beautiful On-demand library on your website! Sequel can easily support you in uploading all of your sessions in bulk to reduce the workload.
Are you looking to upload only a few past videos? You can do so manually by following these instructions!
To prepare to migrate your past videos, follow 2 simple steps:
Create a CSV sheet with the following columns and information:
Event Name
Event Start Date
Webinar End Date (optional)
Timezone (defaults to Amerca/New York)
MP4 file link via Google Drive
Reach out to Sequel Support via chat or at support@sequel.io to share the file! The Sequel team will complete the bulk upload of all of the media shared into your Media Hub, which then can be linked to any Virtual Stage created with a past date.
Are you migrating to Sequel from Zoom. You can use this app to easily migrate your MP4 files into Google Drive!