7 articles
Enable Cross Event RegistrationAllow your audience to attend multiple webinars with one registration.
Adding custom questions to Sequel.io RegistrationCollect more data about your audience by adding custom questions to your Sequel.io Registration form.
Email ManagementPersonalize your communications with attendees, guaranteeing that your messaging is uniform and your brand identity is reinforced.
Use email reminders to increase event attendanceUsing Sequel.io email reminders to boost attendance for your events.
Customize confirmation and reminder emailsIncrease open rates and control the conversation with your attendees by customizing your confirmation emails.
Add Events to Attendee CalendarsBoost attendance by automatically adding a calendar invite to user calendars when they register for your event.
Can I disable my Host and Presenter emails?Learn how to disable automated emails when adding your Hosts and Presenters to your event and take control of Host and Presenter management.