Only the Host(s) of the event can go live and end a live session. Hosts and Presenters will be either onstage or backstage before going live! Learn about the differences below:
These instructions are for the Virtual Stage 2.0. For VS 1.0 instructions, click here.
Joining the Event
When you first join the event you're automatically placed Backstage with the other Presenters and Hosts. Don't worry - none of the attendees can see you! The Host will control when you appear on the stage.
When the Host moves you on the stage you'll see yourself in the layout that's been chosen. You can also check by looking at your thumbnail.
While Backstage you enable/disable your video but your audio will always be muted. You can watch the session, adjust your settings, and interact in the chat.
Once the Host moves you Onstage, your microphone will become unmuted and you'll gain the ability to share your screen. If the event is live the audience will now be able to see and hear you. You can always check if the event is live but looking at the badge in the top left corner of the event.
When the event is over, or if your part of the event is complete, the Host will move you Backstage. You can exit the Backstage by using the "Leave" button.
Virtual Stage 1.0
When you first join the stage (pre-live), you have the option to join the Backstage with other Presenters and Hosts. Don’t worry - you will not be live and can see this indicated in the top-left hand corner of the stage.
If you are joining the event after the event has gone live, you will automatically be placed in the backstage and will not be seen or heard by the audience until you are moved onstage by an event Host.
Once onstage, you can move backstage at any time by selecting the Go Backstage button in the bottom left corner of the screen. Once backstage, only the Host can move you back onstage.
You can change your microphone and camera settings, as well as add a Virtual Background to your screen under the Preferences tab in the backstage area.
When backstage, you will see your video in the bar at the bottom of the stage with a message to the left stating You’re Backstage.
While backstage, no other Presenter or Host (on or offstage) can hear you, but they can see you while your camera is enabled.
You will not have access to your microphone control while backstage and will be automatically unmuted once you are moved onstage.