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Host and Presenters will move between the Backstage and On Stage throughout an event. Here, you always know where you are.

Updated this week


Before entering the backstage, the Sequel Virtual Stage will take you through a few steps to confirm your set up. This is where your Hosts and Presenters can set their camera, microphone, audio output, background, first/last name, and title. They also have the option to disable their microphone and camera before entering the backstage. When ready, select the purple Continue button!

The settings a user selects are not permanent! A user can update their audio, video, background, and display options at any time before and during the event.

After you join the stage, all Hosts and Presenters will immediately join the backstage. Presenters cannot access their microphone while backstage, so a Host must move them on stage to speak amongst other Hosts and Presenter prior to going live. While backstage, Presenters will see a banner in the top-right of the screen that states 'You are backstage, only the host can move you on stage'.

When you're ready to go live, a Host should make sure all that are intended to be seen and heard are on stage, and those that are not, are moved backstage. A Host can move another Host, Presenter, or themselves, on stage and backstage by toggling on/off the button over their small video tile within the backstage film strip.

While Backstage, Presenters can still see their video, change settings, view the stage and chat in the On Stage Chat. All Hosts & Presenters are muted automatically when Backstage.

Hosts can unmute themselves while backstage, however, their audio will be heard by ALL attendees. This is helpful for making voiceover announcements. Hosts are the only people who can move Presenters on stage.

Not Live State

Hosts and Presenters can both check if the stage is live or not at the top-corner of the stage. If you are not live you will see a gray not live badge (pictured below). This will be your source of truth to whether you are live or not. If you are not live, then the audience will not see and hear you, despite you being on stage.

Hosts will also see the green Go Live button in the top-right. This is how Hosts would go live on the stage. Presenters do not see the green Go Live button or any indicator that you have pressed that. So, it is best practice to announce once you select the live button so other Hosts and Presenters can watch the stage change.

Live State

Once a Host goes live on a Virtual Stage, the previously Not Live badge in the top-left corner (see above), will not be red and say Live. The Live badge is your source of truth on whether the stage is live and if the audience can see and hear you if you are on stage! You can confirm exactly what your attendees are seeing by popping out the Audience View (see below). Once live, your attendees will see and hear whatever is on your Live Stage until you either move a Presenter Backstage, play a video through the Media Playlist, or click End Session to finish the event.

You can find more information about running your first event here.


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