With Sequel.io's Email Registration, there are some changes you can make to customize the conversation with your attendees including the name the emails are coming from, the subject line, and email reminders!
Email Reminders
Your attendees receive the confirmation email as soon as they register for your event. You can also choose to turn on Email Reminders. Send your attendees a reminder 24 hours, 1 hour, and 15 minutes before your event begins.
Global Email Fields
Set defaults for all communications in the Email tab in your Admin Dashboard. Customizable Fields include:
Company Name
Company Address
Reply to Email
Email from Name
Company Logo
Customize Email Templates
Growth customers can also edit all of the email templates, including the subject line, body text, and banner image. Find more information about customizing Sequel.io emails here.
Emails can also be customized for specific events in the Email tab of the Event Details.
Custom Colors
If you are on a Growth plan or higher, you have access to our customization suite! With that, you have the opportunity to not only change the color scheme of your Virtual Stage and Networking Hub components but also your registration emails! The color scheme chosen in the customization will apply to the Join Event button in all of your emails. In the future, we plan to expand customization in your emails to include changes to the copy, and design, and adding your own logo!
Ready to get started with email registration? Check out this article on how to get it set up!
Not sure email registration is right for you? Find more information about registration options with Sequel.io here.